Large antique French cooking spoon for jam 15¼"
Sale priceUS$146
Antique terracotta French confit pot w/ ocher glaze 8¼"
Sale priceUS$333
Antique French food safe / cheese house
Sale priceUS$677
Pair of miniature antique French copper cake molds 2"
Sale priceUS$261
Early 20th century Easter decoration - goat w/ hen 3½"
Sale priceUS$356
Vintage Easter container - mother hen in a basket 4¼"
Sale priceUS$234
Antique Moser-Roth display case 27¼"
Sale priceUS$1,364
Antique Absinthe carafe - 'buvez une bleue' - 8¼"
Sale priceUS$297
Large yellow & brown jaspé pitcher 11"
Sale priceUS$433
1930s stoneware stock pot - Bouillon Kub 5"
Sale priceUS$293
Large jaspé tobacco pot w/ round handles - ocher swirl glaze 9¾"
Sale priceUS$360
5-tier scampi presentation stand 15¾"
Sale priceUS$394
Antique French Tabac pot - yellow 6¾"
Sale priceUS$263
Abstract still life w/ blue table & fruit bowl 26½" x 22½"
Sale priceUS$1,390
19th-century French copper sauté pan with long handle 52"
Sale priceUS$889
20th-century French pewter spice mill 8"
Sale priceUS$196
18th-century French pewter measure - half liter
Sale priceUS$297
Large 19th-century French sauté pan
Sale priceUS$455
Regular priceUS$496
18th-century French copper beer pitcher w/ engraved decoration 5"
Sale priceUS$595
Petit 19th-century French copper saucepan w/ wrought iron handle
Sale priceUS$285
Deep 19th-century French copper saucepan w/ wrought iron handle
Sale priceUS$295
19th-century French copper saucepan w/ wrought iron handle
Sale priceUS$285
18th-century Amphora-shaped kettle w/ lid on chain 15¼"
Sale priceUS$965
Large 18th-century brass skimmer slotted spoon 19¼"
Sale priceUS$365
Regular priceUS$431
18th-century copper pitcher w/ long spout 17¼"
Sale priceUS$1,275
19th century French copper kettle - 8 liter
Sale priceUS$795
Regular priceUS$983
Petit 19th-century French copper pot w/ handles & lid
Sale priceUS$595
18th-century winemaker's jug from the Rhône Valley 10¾"
Sale priceUS$988
19th-century French brass kitchen cauldron w/ rolled edge
Sale priceUS$450
Very large 19th-century French brass cauldron
Sale priceUS$650
19th-century French copper kettle - 4 liter
Sale priceUS$595
19th-century French copper kettle w/ stepped lid
Sale priceUS$595
Regular priceUS$692
Petit 19th-century French copper kettle - 2 liter
Sale priceUS$595
Small 19th-century French copper kettle
Sale priceUS$595
Round 19th-century French copper kettle
Sale priceUS$595
Antique French wooden Rolling pin
Sale priceUS$199
Antique French cutting board w/ cutout handle
Sale priceUS$360
19th-century wooden Cream Ladle from Normandy
Sale priceUS$159
Vintage primitive wooden 3 legged stool - French 18" x 12½"
Sale priceUS$396
19th-century French lidded confit pot w/ yellow glaze 9½"
Sale priceUS$759
Large 19th-century French lidded confit pot w/ yellow glaze 13"
Sale priceUS$881
Primitive half log wooden stool 15¾" x 16½" x 11"
Sale priceUS$569
19th-century yellow lidded pot from Provence 9¾"
Sale priceUS$679
Antique lidded confit pot w/ yellow glaze 10¼"
Sale priceUS$679