Vintage French birdcage - spearmint blue 19"
Sale priceUS$495
Pair of vintage mugs with roosters
Sale priceUS$180
Antique French cowbell 7½"
Sale priceUS$298
Collection of three antique French linen fabrics - never used
Sale priceUS$498
Sale priceUS$670
Sale priceUS$329
Early 20th century tailor's pattern box 'Patrons' 23¾"
Sale priceUS$372
Small bronze Poodle w/ shell vide poche - Late 19th century
Sale priceUS$501
Antique English silverplate bread bowl 11½"
Sale priceUS$243
Antique Regent plate bowl from the Ritz Hotel London 5½"
Sale priceUS$627
18th century Old Sheffield plate mug 6"
Sale priceUS$339
Antique bronze and iron candlestick - open spiral 8"
Sale priceUS$340
Antique mercury glass candlestick - silver 11¾"
Sale priceUS$340
Old Sheffield plate Meat dome - early 19th century - 8¾"
Sale priceUS$813
Tall blown glass carafe - 19th century - 17"
Sale priceUS$245
Antique artist's painting box - plein air 15¾"
Sale priceUS$390
Large antique French cutting board 24¾" x 11½"
Sale priceUS$375
Collection Of ten 20Th-Century Books ‘Histoire De France’
Sale priceUS$576
Antique French preserving pot - yellow & brown 6"
Sale priceUS$240
Vintage English ironstone tea service - Johnson Brothers
Sale priceUS$580
Set of 7 vintage champagne coups 4¼"
Sale priceUS$403
Small French wicker basket 10¾"
Sale priceUS$178
Vintage fish shaped vide poche - Vallauris 8"
Sale priceUS$422
English Art Deco Decanter 9"
Sale priceUS$436
Émile Tessier Acorn pitcher with crest & fleur de Lys 8¾"
Sale priceUS$396
Regular priceUS$431
1940s teapot w/ yellow glaze - Dieulefit
Sale priceUS$283
Ribbed Vallauris pitcher with pinched beak & brown handle 7½"
Sale priceUS$435
Vintage signed John Gerbino vase (1876-1966) - mosaic effect 8"
Sale priceUS$475
Candlesticks, bronze, 19th-century, large 13¾"
Sale priceUS$606
Napoleon III teapot - silver plate w/ ebony handle 8¾"
Sale priceUS$286
1940s Sarreguemines coffee service - for 11
Sale priceUS$554
Napoleon III papier mâché coaster 8"
Sale priceUS$350
Collection of antique ashtrays for a games table 2"
Sale priceUS$729
Vintage salt & pepper shakers - penguins 3¼"
Sale priceUS$319
Superb tart / cake dish w/ flowers 13"
Sale priceUS$270
Regular priceUS$282
18th century charcuterie hooks - wrought iron 6"
Sale priceUS$235
Three stacked vintage hedgehog ceramic ashtrays
Sale priceUS$283
Two miniature landscape paintings Francois Lamy 1977 7" x 4¾"
Sale priceUS$373
Cooking pot w/ handle & brown glaze - Vallauris
Sale priceUS$200
Late 19th century Provençal preserving pot - yellow ocher 8¾"
Sale priceUS$415
Vintage French chestnut grilling pot 6¾"
Sale priceUS$260
19th century confit pot 9½"
Sale priceUS$320
Vintage dark blue vase 8¼"
Sale priceUS$250
Antique French confit pot w/ ear handles & yellow glaze 6¼"
Sale priceUS$245
Vintage coastal landscape painting w. stone farmhouse 16¼" x 20"
Sale priceUS$225
Antique Spanish bronze candlestick 22"
Sale priceUS$521
4 antique glass flowers - Murano, green & white 19¼"
Sale priceUS$348